Youngs pubs

Young’s Pubs makes Brexit plans as boss calls Raab resignation ‘big blow’

The boss of Young’s Pubs has said the company is making contingency plans for a hard Brexit“It was very good news for business, the news business has been waiting for,” he said.
But he said the resignation of Brexit secretary Dominic Raab makes a Brexit deal look “less likely”.
Young’s, which on Thursday unveiled solid sales growth in the first half, has put contingency plans in place in case of a no-deal scenario, such as turning to new world wines if there is disruption to supply from the EU.
Mr Dardis said the group would also support its staff, 38% of whom are from the EU.
The Brexit Secretary’s shock resignation was described as a big blow for business (Stefan Rousseau/PA)“We’re doing everything we can to help them understand the status that they will have, and if there are forms that need ..

Strong growth in the US offsets slower UK box office at Cineworld

Cineworld’s US business helped to offset sluggish growth in the UK in the year so far as the cinema giant posted a rise in revenue.
Total group revenue was 11.6% higher between January 1 and November 11, with a string of popular film releases bringing customers to the cinema.
The group completed its acquisition of American chain Regal in March.
The merger made Cineworld the second-largest cinema company in the world by number of screens, and expanded its footprint in the US which now accounts for 75% of revenue.
9,526 screens789 cinemas In its financial statements, Cineworld calculated performance as though Regal had been part of the company since January 1 2017 to show underlying growth.
Comparative figures are therefore based on the combined performance of Cineworld and Regal in 2017.
Box office revenue was 12.4% higher in the US, supported by the success of Black Panther and Avengers: Infinity War.
Cineworld said management was still reviewing further opportunities for cost benefit..