Data Protection Day: Is your business protected?

On 28th January, the fifth annual Data Protection Day will take place. The european wide events planned highlight the benefits of applying a high-value approach to data protection. Business Matters, in association with Information management service provider Iron Mountain, has prepared a data security checklist to help businesses identify whether their information is adequately protected.

How technology can help take your business global

Today’s economy revolves around the use of technology as a means of communication and without it, businesses simply wouldn’t function. In the last five years, the explosion of cheap, or even free, methods of communication such as Skype, web conferencing and Software as a Service (SaaS) means companies are more connected than ever and the barriers to operating globally much lower. Here Neal Gandhi, author of Born Global, explains how it is possible to go global on a budget.

Forget backup at your own peril

Most of us have a task of shame. A task that lingers at the bottom of our to-do list and pricks us with guilt as we, yet again, prioritise something else above it. The task of shame is a phenomenon born of modern work practices where everyone is overworked and wearing many hats at the same time. But, sometimes it’s easy for jobs that are important but not urgent, to fall behind tasks that are urgent but not important – and that’s when you start to put your business at risk. Claire Galbois-Alcaix, senior marketing manager, EMEA, Mozy explains what it is, and just why it is so important.