Engage with your customers online – don’t just broadcast to boost sales

Websites are no longer simply the online ‘face’ of a business. Customers expect more from a company’s website than a home page. To use an analogy of buying a house, how many people make a purchase based on how attractive they find the outside of a building? Buyers want to be able to enter a home, have a good look around and get a feel of a house, before making a purchase decision

Is your computer software licensed? Your staff might earn a bonus if not!

In one of the largest UK settlements to date, the Business Software Alliance (BSA) has settled with a media hosting company following an investigation into its use of unlicensed software. The investigation was launched after the BSA was tipped-off by a former employee. The company paid in excess of £100,000 in damages, in addition to paying a significant amount to purchase legal copies of Microsoft and Adobe software.

Women in business celebrated with glittering awards ceremony

The winners of the 2010 NatWest everywoman Awards, which recognise the success of the UK’s most inspirational female business owners, have been announced at a glittering lunch in London at the eighth annual award ceremony. celebrates successful entrepreneurs who are playing their part in helping to pull the UK out of recession and acting as inspirational role models for the next generation of aspiring business women.