Make yourself a “YES” magnet! You’ve finally plucked up the courage to ask for something. The afternoon off. A pay rise. Then comes that crucial moment where you wait with baited breath for the response. It’s tense, but it doesn’t have to be. You just need to master the art of ‘the ask’ says Haider Imam
Category: Book Shelf
reviews on some of the latest business books from some of the leading business authors and writers
Reviewed: Startup Life
This book provides a real life insight on what it takes to make it in a relationship with an entrepreneur, as Entrepreneurs are always on the go, looking for the next “startup” challenge. In Startup Life, Brad Feld—a Colorado–based entrepreneur turned–venture capitalist—shares his own personal experiences with his wife Amy, offering a series of rich insights into successfully leading a balanced life as a human being who wants to play as hard as he works and who wants to be as fulfilled in life and in work.
Reviewed: Start It Up – Luke Johnson
Luke Johnson is one of Britain’s most successful entrepreneurs with an estimated personal fortune of £120 million. He is Chairman of Risk Capital Partners and StartUp Britain, and a former Chairman of Channel 4 Television. In the 1990s he was Chairman of PizzaExpress, which he grew from 12 restaurants to over 250; he also founded the Strada pizzeria chain and owns Giraffe and Patisserie Valerie. In this, the paperback version of his 2012 bestseller he sets out to tell the reader what it’s like to start a new business – warts ‘n’ all.
Reviewed: How Stella Saved the Farm
How Stella Saved the Farm is a simple parable about making innovation happen inspired by George Orwell’s Animal Farm. Written by the authors of the bestselling Reverse Innovation: Create Far From Home, Win Everywhere, the story will resonate in organisations of all types—public sector, private sector, and social sector, from mammoth corporations to SMEs.
Reviewed: Ecommerce Masterplan
Chloë Thomas is well known in the world of eCommerce and is now launching her first book on the subject – ‘eCommerce MasterPlan’
Review – Entrepreneurship: From Idea to Success
This book provides budding entrepreneurs with both the inspiration to realize their dreams and a set of business principles which will help them reach their goals faster and will minimize the risk of failure.
Review: Dream Design Surf
How to design new ventures for rapid growth, lower risk and global impact. Starting new ventures is risky, there is uncertainty, all kinds of things do not go according to plan.
Review: Five Essential Ingredients for Business Success
Communications expert and university lecturer, Chris Parker, has identified the essential business principles and practices, skills and attitudes, that, he argues, underpin business success not just in hospitality and catering, but in every industry.
Reviewed: How They Started
This book is a fascinating insight into looking at how twenty five good ideas became spectacular digital businesses and answers, many of which have disrupted the way that we go about out lives and become everyday ways to run our lives.
Hidden Agenda: A Proven Way to Win Business & Create a Following
Each of us pitches ideas every day. Regardless of what idea we are selling – or who we are selling it to – it all boils down to the act of stirring someone to join you, to agree to follow you.
From Vision to Exit: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Building and Selling a Business
There are many differences between a good business and a great business, but they aren’t beyond a business leader’s control. In From Vision to Exit, Guy Rigby candidly explains how entrepreneurs can develop strategies, plans and tactics to get their businesses to the top.
Review: More balls than most by Lara Morgan
An unorthodox, happily married business woman who has sold a company for £20 million, shares the sometimes outrageous highs and lows during the development of Pacific Direct. Lara’s book shares down-to-earth hints, tips and anecdotes to ensure the reader is guaranteed to take away valued information to apply to his/her own company. Full of compelling stories that will make the reader laugh out loud at Lara’s antics to get the job done customer first, family first, struggle and guilt all of it worth it.
Stop Talking, Start Doing: A Kick in the Pants in Six Parts
Have you got an itch to start your own business, go to the North Pole, retrain, lose weight, get promoted, learn to play the ukulele? Or do you just have a nagging sense that there must be more to life? If there is something you really want to do, but secretly fear you’ll never do it, then you need this.