Dont back down on your sales in December part 2


Tip Number 2: Think About What They Really Mean

Often when the buyer or decision maker says the words call me back after Christmas, that phrase might have a different meaning than the one you’ve accepted at face value!

Let’s face it – if everyone who said those to you either met with you or bought from you in January, then there wouldn’t be a problem, would there?  So I’m talking here about the people that use that phrase, but then don’t seem to necessarily follow through come January.

Let’s think about this a little deeper – might some people use that phrase when actually what they really mean is go away?  Or perhaps it’s not important enough for me to look at right now.  As someone who originally trained as a professional buyer, I can guarantee you that’s the case!

Here’s a quick distinction – the more new business your telephone call or appointment is, the less rapport you have – therefore the likelihood of them fobbing you off is much higher!  If you’re with an existing client you have personally a very good relationship with, it’s more likely that they’re telling the truth.

Happy Christmas! I will be back in the new year with more tips on how to make 2010 your best sales year ever.

Andy Preston

Andy Preston is the UK’s leading authority in sales training and business sales techniques. Not only has Andy worked with some top brands in the UK helping them to negotiate better deals and even close on a higher price, his impressive client portfolio encompasses brands such as HSBC, Nissan, Siemens, McAfee and FedEx – to name just a few!

Andy Preston is the UK’s leading authority in sales training and business sales techniques. Not only has Andy worked with some top brands in the UK helping them to negotiate better deals and even close on a higher price, his impressive client portfolio encompasses brands such as HSBC, Nissan, Siemens, McAfee and FedEx – to name just a few!