New campaign on target to help half a million businesses start & grow

Emma Jones, founder of Enterprise Nation, the small business support company behind the campaign, has received pledges of free places on sales courses, access to event space and help for businesses wanting to improve their marketing, as the small business community has actively responded to the campaign.
With more government cuts on the way and unemployment expected to rise, the campaign was launched to show people they do have an entrepreneurial future and can become their own boss. 
Pledges have also been received from companies such as O2, enterprise groups including Shell LiveWIRE and Harrow in Business.
Amy Bould of Be Bold PR is a recent start-up herself and has pledged a specially designed PR service to help new business owners. Amy says:  “Having just left a job of 15 years to start my own business, I understand why other people want to do the same.”
“I’m loving working for myself and on my own terms but it takes confidence to move from employment to self-employment so I want to support others make that move by helping them with PR. The Business in Bloom campaign seemed an ideal way to tell the nation what I can do to help!” Bould added 
Allen Pluck, from enterprise agency, Harrow in Business, recognises the importance of helping people grow their enterprise: saying “Despite government and council funding cuts we are still providing advice, training, information and know-how to would be entrepreneurs and small businesses. We wanted to pledge support to this national campaign that will keep enterprise alive.”
With media partner and national agency network NFEA as an advocate, the campaign looks set to keep on growing,  Emma Jones, said:  “With an overall target to help 500,000 people realise their entrepreneurial ambitions in 2011, that’s equal to helping just over 9,600 people per week. We will take count after the first month but with the support pledged so far we’re confident of being on target. If we keep going at this rate, business will be booming and blooming in the UK!”
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We have also reported on the new kit launched by Emma Jones, Enterprise Nation and partners to help new businesses with discounts on a number products and services. Read that HERE