The Apprentice taught me to be a vulture


Speaking, with Business Matters managing editor Richard Alvin, at the Manchester Business Growth Summit, Young said The Apprentice had taught her to have a “vulture attitude” to developing her company, Elegant Events.

“Being on The Apprentice taught me to have no shame, so I am approaching everyone and asking them for everything and anything, whether it’s the Prince’s Trust or the Lottery. Business Link is a great start, and it’s free,” she said.

Young shot to fame in series four of The Apprentice, were she was nicknamed “the Rottweiler”, for her tenacity and no-nonsense approach to business. After finishing the programme as a running-up in the final, she was inundated with approaches, one from the then MD of Birmingham City football club Karen Brady, but instead Young set up Elegant Events, which specialises in organising weddings.

“Get as much as you can for free, whether it’s PR, opportunities to network, or using social media which costs nothing but time.”

On top of running her own business, Young, who is passionate about entrepreneurship, is also an ambassador for Business Link and also The Prince’s Trust.

The Manchester Business Growth Summit that Young was speaking at was organised by the National Business Awards, which is running a series of summits across the UK. For more information on the next summit, which will be in Bristol on March 24th and free to attend Click here