New B2B Marketplace: Find Partners and Contractors


The common solution for everyone is B2B marketplaces, the number of which has been steadily increasing over the past year.

A marketplace is, first of all, a technological infrastructure, a set of engineering and interface solutions. Brands and local manufacturers place products on the platform as well as specialists propose their services to international companies. The site acts as an additional sales channel and free advertising.

Why Do We Need B2B Marketplace?

The marketplace format gives everyone access to an audience, a user-friendly interface, and reliable payment tools.

This is especially interesting for small companies with modest marketing budgets that cannot afford to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to launch a new geographic area.

The principle of operation of modern marketplaces suggests great opportunities for developing your own business on their basis. It is worth considering this option for launching an online store, if only for the reason that in comparison with the “classic” start, it will cost less. From a technical point of view, we are talking about a simple and convenient platform where companies provide their services, as well as specialists, propose their experience and knowledge. Some marketplaces have the function of secure payments, as well as allow you to manage the balances of goods in the warehouse ⏤ everything, just like in real online stores.

An engineering marketplace is an online platform where a company can find and hire a specialist to work remotely. Such sites are especially popular in digital business. They act as an intermediary, ensuring that remote experts are securely and conveniently recruited for one-off tasks.

On the engineering marketplace, you can find specialists such as software developers, mechanical engineers, civil engineers, etc. Platforms work in different ways. Each has its opportunities and features.

Engre.Co: What Is New?

Engre’s main offer is that there are many performers and companies, but they are the best. This is already written on the main page, immediately after the standard offer to find a service or publish a project and a block with a rating of the best companies. Moreover, you can find more than 1000 global engineering services at

Then there are more or less standard headings. So, the main message of is that the services proposed by the companies are variable and performed by true professionals around the world. Moreover, Engre is aimed at providing not only services but solutions to your business.

The first thing that attracts attention is that you have options of how to come up with a solution. Therefore, you can start with searching for a particular service or publish your own project. Both options are targeted at one goal ⏤ to find a solution for your business.

It is very convenient for small and local start-ups and businesses. It allows local towns to come up with a professional team that has international experience and workers.

When Do You Need a Marketplace?

Engineering marketplace is interesting in three cases: all the processes of the company are built, but the transfer of some part of work to outsourcing can increase their efficiency; the company introduces a new process, but not the main one for its activities; the company outsources everything except the business processes that make up its competitive advantage. If the business is just starting, then external contractors can be given all the functions that are not involved in the development of the business.

What can outsourcing give? According to Educba, the first thing that entrepreneurs obviously pay attention to is savings on fixed costs such as staff salaries or non-core business processes that are transferred to third-party contractors.

Appealing to the engineering marketplace is also good because the company gets rid of additional costs: for the personnel department, economic and accounting support of employees, lawyers in case of conflicts (after all, this aspect is also taken over by the outsourcing company). Outsourcing also allows the company not to expand its official staff, thereby preserving the status of a small business. The famous IKEA proves the benefits of outsourcing by its own example: the company cooperates with 2500 organizations that provide outsourcing services.

By the way, there are also advantages for outsourcing employees. This is an opportunity to get a job in a wide variety of industries and focus on fulfilling certain, clearly defined obligations in the contract.

Engineering marketplaces that imply using third-party companies to perform non-core business functions in your own company are often and readily used in local town economic realities. This type of business is used by both micro-firms of several people and the largest corporations.

The advantages of such cooperation include a reduction in personnel costs and social obligations, savings in management resources, an increase in the quality of services received, the possibility of a quick reorganization of the business, and an increase in its flexibility. Anyway, hiring dedicated companies could become the best solution for any local startup.