Business alternatives to the iPhone

Technology to help business travellers work on the move is progressing rapidly, and the launch of the new 3G iPhone is likely to push the trend even further. With this in mind, Oliver Chivers, Head of Business Marketing at T-Mobile UK, suggests some alternative business devices to catch the eye of those who want to make the most of working on the move, without leaping on the iPhone bandwagon.

Public WiFi security tips

Access to the Internet via public “hotspots” is growing and will continue to grow as more and more hotspots are made available. We have McDonalds offering free Internet access and even Boris Johnson proposing that London becomes a WiFi city, with free WiFi, following the likes of Norwich.

Cloud computing and its benefit to businesses

In the technology world, major players such as Google and IBM are maximising their use of Cloud Computing – but what is it? and more importantly, how can it help businesses?

So what is the definition? According to Gartner, cloud computing is “a style of computing where massively scalable IT-related capabilities are provided ‘as a service’ across the Internet to multiple external customers.”

Flying high again: Barbara Cassani

We profile the former budget airline boss says it’s people that make a business fly. Cassani came to prominence in the UK when she launched British Airways’ budget airline Go Fly in 1998.

She later became the first leader of London’s bid for the 2012 summer Olympics and today she is executive chairman of hotel chain Jurys Inn, a business looking to expand by 30pc in 2009 regardless of the downturn

The scene is set

Andy Lopata talks to Warren Cass about the success of his online business networking and events company Business Scene

With so many opportunities to network in the UK many business people are more than spoilt for choice; they are becoming increasingly confused by the range of choices available to them.

Once they have decided whether it is more convenient to network locally or regionally, they then have a range of events to choose from at all times of the day, with the opportunity to network over breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Mandelson’s billion pound business support package is not enough say key business leaders

Leading business organisations have given a guarded response to the government’s £11bn loan guarantee package with many voicing the opinion that it ‘did not go far enough’ to help businesses starved of credit.

The employers’ organisation, the CBI, said certain important companies needed to refinance £100bn of credit facilities this year. "The scale of the problem goes well beyond what the government has announced today. The sense of living on borrowed time is palpable," the CBI’s director-general, Richard Lambert, said.

New Year Resolutions & Predictions

New Year has come and gone and all around the World talk inevitably turns to resolutions. Are you looking towards a slimmer you? Giving up smoking? Perhaps you have decided to dedicate more time to others.

It’s also a good time to sit back and review your networking. Is your current activity working for you? Are you in the right networks, getting the referrals you want for your business?

Take the time to check you are on the right track. Even the top networkers do it. I spoke to some of the UK’s leading networking experts and heads of networks to find out what they expect to happen in networking in 2009 and their own plans for the New Year.

More pressure on banks to lend to small businesses

A third of small businesses surveyed in the Forum of Private Business’s (FPB’s) latest Referendum poll of members actively sought finance during the last quarter of 2008. However, despite the Government’s high-profile bail-out and pressure on banks from the FPB, almost half were either partially or completely rejected by UK lenders.