Reuben Singh Launches Scholarship for business leaders of tomorrow


Successful business leader and entrepreneur, Reuben Singh, is offering a helping hand to the start up tycoons of tomorrow.

The Manchester-based businessman is launching a scholarship fund for students wishing to study at UK universities.

Singh, who himself was an entrepreneur from an early age, is pursuing his passion for supporting young entrepreneurs and a belief that business education in the UK should be anchored in real-world requirements and scenarios.

The scholarship will provide students with up to £9,000 in funding for tuition fees for the 2016/2017 academic year, and will give them the opportunity to continue their studies whilst running their successful enterprise.

Applicants must be UK resident undergraduates with a confirmed place at university for the 2016/17 academic year. They can be anything from fledgling eBay entrepreneurs, to the founders of social enterprise start-ups, or even those involved in business activities linked to schools, social groups or community causes.

Young business people who have already shown initiative in creating their own business venture will be required to demonstrate the nature of business, why they set it up, what they achieved and the lessons they have learned to date.

Hopefuls can enter the scheme by filling out an application form and submitting an essay of no more than 2,500 words, addressing the following questions:
What does the future of business look like to you?
What does entrepreneurship mean to you?

Identify the next big domestic or international market and discuss why you feel this is such a big opportunity

Entries should be submitted to, by 31st May 2016.

They will also need to provide evidence of their entrepreneurial activities to date, including examples of ventures or endeavors they have undertaken.

Shortlisted applicants will be invited to interview with the Reuben Singh Scholarship panel.

Reuben Singh, CEO of the UK’s most trusted call answering service, alldayPA, said: “I know myself what it is like to have been in business from a young age, and my experiences setting up from scratch have shaped my understanding of the ever-changing business world. It is important to pass on this knowledge and experience to the next generation of entrepreneurs, and one of the ways this can be done is through the Reuben Singh Scholarship Programme.

“I was privileged to have support behind me as a result of my parents’ own hard work in their business, and financial capabilities at the start of my business career – this is something I am so grateful for. I believe it is now my turn to do this not only for my children, but for a number of deserving students wishing to further their business careers.

“The next generation of entrepreneurs needs both academic qualifications and real world experiences from both business and first-hand interpersonal interaction. The world is now a global village and it is important that tomorrow’s business leaders embrace the skills and business opportunities available to them from all over the world.”

Entry for the Reuben Singh Scholarship Programme will open on 5th October 2015.

For more information about the Reuben Singh Scholarship and to download an application form, click here.