Whatever the device you are including in your travels – mobile phone or laptop – you are traveling with data and some of that data, bank details, passwords (heaven forbid!) or credit card details for example, will be sensitive.
If you leave your device, for even a second, and it is not properly secured, you are opening yourself up to trouble.
To ensure you keep your data to yourself Tankard suggests incorporating the following:
1. Finger Print Recognition USBs
Finger print recognition USB sticks ensure that the data can only be viewed if the computer in which the USB stick is entered recognises your finger print, preventing access to anyone else.
2. Obliteration Software
Using an obliteration service means that once you are aware of a loss of your data you can contact your obliteration software provider, such as Digital Pathways, and they will then remotely destroy all usable information on a registered device. All of the information is completely obliterated and your privacy remains intact.
3. Tamper Evidence
If you are unsure whether your data has been accessed or not and want to check, Tamper Evidence software will analyse your logs and report on any changes. You can review exactly who has accessed your data and any deviations from your usual settings.
4. nLitenTravel
For those who may be traveling to unstable countries there is nLitenTravel, a software application for the traveller, VIP, lone worker or valued family member. It is accessible on Blackberry, iPhone, Android or any web enabled device and offers a fast time reporting tool which, in four easy steps, can deal with any emergency, terrorist threat, pandemic, hostage or kidnap, workplace incident, intrusion, suspicious behaviour or any other event where threat or injury are involved. nLitenTravel helps to mitigate and deal with the risks, with assistance 24/7 from a secure area.
Says Tankard, “Few travellers consider their own data security until a disaster occurs and they loose their devices or find themselves in a dangerous situation. Some simple steps can ensure that even if something should happen the data remains safe and bank accounts etc. are uncompromised.
“Data Security is a growing issue for us all, as individuals as well as employers, adding this to your travel ‘to do’ list will give you added peace of mind and allow you to focus on enjoying yourself, or, having a successful business meeting rather than having the added stress of dealing with losses or threats.’