Why separate business women and mumpreneurs


So that you can get a better idea of what I’m trying to explain, I kept a note of everything I did in a typical day.
6am – Alarm goes off and I get up to get myself ready before my boys and husband wake.
6:45am – Showered, dressed, hair and make-up done I begin preparing lunchboxes and packing book-bags.
7am – Wake up my three little boys aged 7, 5 and 4, give them breakfast and make hubbys morning cuppa.
7:30am – Tidy up after breakfast, make beds and run the vacuum around the house (providing there’s time)
8am – Get my boys washed and dressed which is usually a pretty big battle!
8:30am – Leave for the school run!
9:15am – Arrive back home, make a cup of coffee, sit at my desk and make a start on my inbox.
2:50pm – Leave for the school run
3:40pm-7pm Be mum and wife – cook, clean, wash, iron and try to take any work calls that come during this time.
7pm – Put the boys to bed and settle back at my desk until bedtime
11pm – Go to bed with my iPad to plan the next day’s to-do list
This may not look to different to anyone’s working day but if you take a closer look you’ll see that unlike someone who is employed or who doesn’t have to take care of children, I have just 5 and a half working hours during the day.
This is not an awful lot when you think that this is the only time of day I can get in touch with other companies. When I settle down to work in the evening I can’t call anyone. If I send an email I usually have to wait until the next day for a reply.
You also have to take into consideration that many mumpreneurs are unable to attend the usual networking events as they are held across school run times. Meetings are always difficult. I usually have to go to London for meetings and would love to be able to plan three in a day but it’s impossible as I have to head to the big smoke post morning school run and be back in time to collect the boys in the afternoon.
I’m not complaining, this is the work life I chose and I love every second of it. I love the flexibility of my work, the fact that I can be on the PTFA, go to nativity plays, sports days and still have an exciting career.
I’m just trying to point out that mumpreneurs do need the extra support that many organisations like ours provide.
We want the best of both worlds we want to be seen as serious business women (because we are) and we also want other business people we deal with to consider the fact that our children will always come first (yes, even before our business!)
I suppose what I’m trying to say is that the image of mums running little businesses from their kitchen tables should be forgotten, instead replace those pictures with mums running national and often global companies from their kitchen table or back bedroom!
We are a force to be reckoned with and our numbers are increasing rapidly.
Watch out world….Here come the mumpreneurs!
On a side note, I need your help. I’ve won a Smarta100 award (woohoo) and now I need to win the public vote, please could you take 10 seconds and vote for me here I’ll be eternally grateful!