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Time to end the ‘one-size-fits all’ approach to health and safety: A British Chamber of Commerce survey finds that health and safety laws are putting businesses off making new hires Management Today are reporting. However, the employer group thinks it has a possible solution…

Facebook, Twitter Increasingly Popular Among Small Businesses: Of those doing social media marketing, 80 percent reported increasing their use in the past year. This is according to a survey by Constant Contact publishing by The findings go on to talk about the popularity of other more ‘traditional’ forms of marketing. 

Mobile internet will outstrip ‘desktop’ use by 2014, says ex-Obama adviser The Guardian are reporting that Manuel Castells, a former adviser to Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign and member of technology panels on the United Nations hails ‘phenomenal’ societal impact of the internet and social networks

Treasury fears tax red tape holds small businesses back: The Treasury has launched a review of how small businesses are handicapped by red tape in the tax system says The Daily Telegraph, by asking the Office of Tax Simplification to identify how bureaucracy in the tax system holds small businesses back. Exchequer Secretary David Gauke said he wanted the OTS to identify ways to improve the way HMRC interacts with small businesses, including the processes involved in starting and growing new firms.