Marketeers should think ‘integrated’

Research suggests that consumers in their 20s look at more than 20 different types of media per hour, in frenzied interactions with both small and large screens, from film to TV, tablet, smartphone and back again.

SMS specialist, Avetio, maintains that, while marketeers are thinking mobile in their campaign strategies, some aren’t necessarily embracing the rich mix of mobile channels to create compelling and engaging campaigns.

Integration is key and the choice of mobile channels should be identified based on research into customer user journeys. Mobile can be used in different areas of the business and the most informed decisions on channel usage are made on a case by case basis dependent on the business or campaign in question.

Asha Lad, director of global SMS aggregator, Avetio, commented: “We are fast becoming a ‘hyper-connected’ society and the number of mobile devices is only going to grow.

“Mobile technologies shouldn’t be used discretely but in an integrated way to create a more fulfilling customer experience. Mobile should be embedded in marketing channels in sophisticated ways to appeal to consumers in specific moments as part of a much more holistic approach.”

While mobile technologies are increasingly being embraced in marketing campaigns, there is still disparity in budget allocation, particularly compared with more traditional marketing channels. Investment in mobile lags behind, and only accounts for approximately 1 per cent of marketing spend, compared to how much time users are interacting with mobile*.

Switched on marketeers will see they can make budgets work harder if they allocate them to a carefully considered blend of mobile channels. The market is evolving all the time so many marketeers are strategising and can be reticent about allocating budget to a mix of mobile channels.

Lad adds: “While it’s important to research and consider the relevant channels for each campaign, if marketing professionals fail to invest across multiple mobile channels, their campaigns may not achieve their full potential. Testing is also essential and it’s not always possible to get it right first time, but with careful research into each campaign or business proposition, the results can be powerful.”