Three new investment funds launched backing Scottish entrepreneurs

Marie Macklin CBE

Through a new Glasgow-based initiative, Macklin Enterprise Partnerships (MEP), the Ayrshire-born businesswoman is planning to build two portfolios of investments in entrepreneurial businesses, making an initial £5m available for investment by these funds. An additional fund, with separate access to third party funding for the restructuring of businesses, has also been established.

Macklin states: “My aim is to inspire and support creative people with the ideas, drive and resilience to create and grow successful businesses.

“Funding will be open to ambitious, highly-motivated people launching or developing new-start businesses. Whilst robust business plans will be the starting point, the inspiration, passion and commitment of the people behind the plans will be fundamental in funding decisions. We will invest in people we can work with personally, advising and supporting them in bringing their plans to fruition.”

Macklin Enterprise Partnerships will manage funds provided personally by Marie and by private investors willing to encourage entrepreneurs and to take a long-term view of investment. MEP will take direct stakes in selected businesses or invest through special-purpose funds.

Derek Weir, Marie’s first appointment to the MEP board, has 25 years’ experience in Corporate Banking, with executive positions at RBS and Barclays. Since 2009, he has held a number of non-executive and consultancy roles and personally has invested in four early stage businesses.

Marie and Derek will identify potential partners and provide start-up and management advice to selected entrepreneurs. Wherever practical, MEP will seek a leadership role in supporting and developing businesses to ensure close involvement and informed scrutiny of performance.

As well as investing directly, the intention is to invest indirectly through partnerships with entrepreneurial organisations, representative trade and professional bodies, private and public investors and business angel organisations across the United Kingdom.

Initially, MEP has established three funds:
An Investment Fund for Entrepreneurs offers equity funding for new start businesses and is open to ambitious, highly-motivated people launching or developing robust new business ventures or under-resourced fledgling businesses. With investment will come membership of an exclusive boutique investors’ club, opening up a range of business advice and support.
The Zaniel Fund seeks to invest in Entrepreneurial Spark business ‘Chicklets’ or Nest Companies across the UK.
A Restructure Investment Fund is available for company restructuring, under which an experienced business team will provide a company doctor service with advice on all aspects of business restructure. MEP has separate access to a variety of high-quality resources for tailoring re-structuring to re-focus and re-energise businesses.

Macklin Enterprise Partnership is also offering consultancy services to support entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial businesses and organisations, including management, mentoring and motivation.

Marie has a long-established commitment to the development, excellence and philanthropy of enterprising people. She actively encourages entrepreneurs by advising, investing, sponsoring and supporting schools, colleges, arts and community organisations to engage young people in business.

Among Marie’s current personal investments are: Mallzee a personal shopping app, highlighted by Yahoo as one of the six apps to change shopping forever; and Diligent World, a new-start company offering specialised risk intelligence to business, commerce, government, public organisations and wealthy individuals.