Third of UK workers have been asked to work less by their children

working mum

The national survey also found that 42 per cent of men and 35 per cent of women feel their work has negatively affected their relationship with their children.

When asked how many hours they get to spend with their children, 38 per cent of respondents said it was less than two hours per day. And for some, a high salary doesn’t compare to the price of quality time with family. Almost half of working mums and 39 per cent of working dads said they would be willing to take a pay cut to spend more time with their children.

Men and women are equally as likely to take leave from the workforce should the right circumstances present themselves. Forty-seven percent of both mums and dads said they were likely to leave their job if their spouse or significant other made enough money for the family to live on comfortably.

When it comes to “having it all” male workers tend to show more optimism than female workers. Sixty-five per cent of male workers believe they can achieve success in both their career and parenthood, compared with 58 per cent of female workers.

“Traditionally, men have been expected to be the breadwinners for their households, but the dynamic is shifting. While 52 per cent of working dads remain their family’s sole financial provider, now 37 per cent of working mum’s provide the only salary for their household,” said Scott Helmes, Managing Director at CareerBuilder UK who commissioned the survey.

“While the vast majority believe it’s possible to ‘have it all’ in terms of career and children, maintaining a healthy balance between the two can still be a struggle.”

Image: Working Mum by Shutterstock