Welcoming today’s announcement of a deal at stage one of the Brexit negotiations, the Forum of Private Business is calling on the government to better understand the needs of British business as it begins trade negotiations.
Ian Cass, Managing Director of the Forum, said: “We’re delighted the initial wrangling is over and that the talks will now be about trade, but before negotiations start on this we feel that the government needs to better understand what businesses want from a trade deal and how they can best support them, which is something we’ve outlined in our ‘Get Britain Trading’ campaign.”
As part of the Get Britain Trading campaign the FPB are offering politicians the chance to work alongside businesses so they can better understand the struggles they deal with and provide the support they desperately need from government.
Ian Cass added: “If British business is to succeed post-Brexit then we need to get the right deal. That means politicians listening to the business community now.”