New video content portal BTube launched for SMEs


BTube will feature how-to guides, top tips and stories from Britain’s leading business experts. It features themed online channels of video content featuring such business luminaries as Yasmina Siadatan and Kate Burns.

The network,supported by the Institute of Chartered Accounts in England & Wales (ICAEW), Startup Britain, StartUp Loans and Direct Line for Business was launched by departing TV Dragon Kelly Hoppen MBE and the Business Inovation & Skills entrepreneur in Residence Simon Devonshire.

Speaking at the launch Devonshire said ” What tube are looking to achieve is bridge the gap to you should not allow your lack of knowledge to be an obstacle in starting and growing your business.”

He added that he “hoped that there would be a return of the Roaring Twenties for business in the next decade.” a fact that was later confirmed with 93 per cent of  guests at the launch agreeing with him that they are optimistic about business returning to levels that it saw in the ’20s.