Nearly a third of burglary victims ‘have been targeted more than once’


Nearly a third of burglary victims say they have been targeted more than once, a survey has found.

Some 30% of people who have been burgled in the past said it had happened to them twice or more, Nationwide Home Insurance found.

Two-thirds (66%) of burglary victims said it happened during the evening or night.

More than a quarter (27%) said the burglar broke in through the back door – while nearly a fifth (18%) said the burglar came in through the front door.

People in Yorkshire and the Humber were the most likely to say they had been victims of repeat burglary incidents, the survey found. Two-fifths of burglary victims in Yorkshire and the Humber said it had happened more than once.

This was followed by burglary victims in London (34%) and the North West (33%), who said it had happened to them twice or more.

Those in Wales are the least likely to experience repeat burglaries, with 18% of burglary victims there saying they had been targeted more than once.

The average amount stolen during each home invasion totals £1,068, according to the survey of more than 1,000 people who have previously been burgled.

Nearly one in 10 (9%) burglary victims have taken no extra security measures since the last break-in, the research found.

Seven in 10 (71%) victims of a previous burglary are turning to modern technology and gadgets to secure their homes, the report found.

Of those who have gadgets enabling them to see who is at their door remotely from their smartphone, 62% admit that, despite the security benefits, they have turned off the alerts they get from this technology as they found them annoying.

Other technology being used to secure homes include timers switching lights on and off, motion alarms and thermal CCTV sensors.

Paul Carvell, head of Nationwide Home Insurance, said: “December can be a popular month for burglars, especially with houses full of Christmas presents.”

He continued: “People are now going beyond the traditional locks and alarms as they fit new technology and gadgets, such as smartphone doorbell cameras, to secure their home to an even greater extent.

“If you are the victim of a burglary, it is important to re-evaluate how you protect your home, which is why it is encouraging to see that around nine in 10 victims have taken extra security measures to prevent further break-ins.”