Blenheim Palace says ‘you’re hired’ to apprentices

Now in its 10th year, National Apprenticeship Week (NAW 2017) brings together employers and apprentices from across England to celebrate the success of apprenticeships over the last decade and aims to encourage more people to choose apprenticeships as a fast-track to a great career.

Blenheim Palace, which is marking its 30th anniversary as a UNESCO World Heritage Site this year, is offering a range of apprenticeship opportunities across all its businesses.

Among the different roles on offer there are opportunities within the Gardens, Forestry, Rural, Game and Maintenance departments.

“We believe providing apprenticeships throughout the Estate is vitally important to our future success and we plan to expand and develop our scheme over the coming years,” said Blenheim Palace’s CEO Dominic Hare.

“We plan to triple our economic contribution to the local area in the coming decade and investing in local people and developing the skills of our existing workforce is a key way to achieve that.

“Our aim is to train in excess of 100 apprentices over the next 10 years in a wide variety of key roles.

“Blenheim Palace cannot flourish in a vacuum. Ultimately we can only achieve our best when the community around us also thrives.

“These apprenticeship schemes have the potential to offer life-changing opportunities for youngsters in our local community,” he added.

According to government figures there were 1,656,680 on-line apprenticeship applications in 2015 to 2016.

After finishing, 77% of apprentices stay with the same employer and 92% believe the scheme had a positive impact on their career.

There are currently apprenticeships available in more than 170 different industries across the country, ranging from advertising and youth work to environmental engineering and legal services.