2012 hailed as year of the entrepreneur


In a sign that 2012 could become known as the year of the entrepreneur, the company is tipping this trend to continue in the New Year.
In October 2011, the web design company Moonfruit formed a partnership with PayPal to launch ShopBuilder, a pre-built e-commerce solution that lets traders sell instantly and everywhere, through global channels of the web, mobile and social media.
The company’s latest statistics suggest that more and more people are serious about becoming their own boss, with over 62,000 online shops created and more than £1.2 million transacted in just two months since the tool’s launch.
David Cameron named the next decade “the age of the entrepreneur”, but even the most innovative of entrepreneurs need support – and the tools to turn an idea into reality. 
Profiting from a passion for yoga or jewellery-making might seem like a far-fetched dream, expensive and time-consuming to set up, but there are some great free tools available to help.
Moonfruit provides software that allows users with no previous web design experience to design and build sites optimised for web browsers and mobile phones.
Wendy Tan White, CEO and co-founder of Moonfruit says: “The Christmas holiday gives people the chance to reflect on where they are and where they want to be, but changing careers entirely can be daunting, especially in the current economic climate.
“Increasingly at Moonfruit, we’re seeing a trend where people want to dabble in second careers before making a full commitment to them, and we provide them with the tools to do just that. The New Year is the perfect catalyst to start a new venture, and perhaps even a longer term change to your lifestyle”.