Cross-country meetings affect workers mental health

Driving for work

New research has revealed that a third of people in the UK have felt ill or suffered from a lack of sleep as a result of travelling for work.

Whilst some people do enjoy travel, these journeys can be draining, especially when it’s a common part of their working week. Whether they’re heading off to an early meeting and hitting rush hour traffic or arriving home too late to spend time with their family, travelling for work can affect life outside of their jobs.Unfortunately, these impacts appear to be significant.33% of business travellers admit traveling to meetings has affected their sleep and 24% said that early starts/late finishes caused by travel has resulted in an argument with their partner.The survey also revealed that a

lmost half of business travellers get takeaways on the way home when travelling for work and just over a quarter said they had arrived at a meeting to find out it wasn’t necessary for them to attend.

The findings also identified that 41% of those surveyed said that they end up working beyond their core hours when travelling for work.

Of course, some degree of business travel will always be necessary, but with Smarter working principles in mind employees can be educated on how to avoid unnecessary travel, shift to better behaviours and make these journeys fit into their lives better to reduce the impact on their overall health.

The survey was carried out by Capita Travel and Events and the companies behavioural psychologist Jonti Dalal-Small has commented on the side effects which come with business travel and how these can be mitigated:

 “For many, business travel used to be thrilling – but for most people it’s now a real chore. Rather than be an adventure, it causes dread, uncertainty and all sorts of problems.

“Whether you enjoy travel is linked to whether you have a sense of purpose about your job. Our survey highlights how many people travel to meetings without understanding why the meeting has been called or why they are needed.

“To support organisations overcome these challenges, we are the first travel management company to shift our business focus and introduce roles dedicated to understanding behaviour and improving travelling wellbeing. By making employee welfare a priority, implementing the principles of smarter working and reducing unnecessary travel, you can increase employee engagement and will see a reduction in expenditure too.”

Capita Travel and Events has put together a new Unnoticed Impact of Business Travel report, which takes a deep dive into the issues surrounding business travel and how their expertise helps employers tackle these cost effectively, with health and wellbeing in mind.

You can read the download the entire report for free by clicking here