Top secrets for growing your business – Fast!


As an experienced Business Mentor and Sales Expert based in the UK, I help a wide sector of businesses every month, and these are some of my top tips for growing your business.

Establishing a business is a huge achievement, but in terms of maintaining your position in the marketplace, it’s only one stage of the journey. To really make your mark – and achieve the success you yearn for – you have to grow your business. And that takes knowledge, effort and determination.

While there’s no “one-size-fits-all” method for growing a business, there are some tried-and-trusted tactics. Here are the top secrets for growing your business – fast.

Firstly, Clear Your Mind!

A little perspective and the outlining of a clear end goal will give you the best starting block for scaling your business. As a business mentor and sales expert, I can help you determine your goals, identify obstacles and create you a strategy that works.

Do Your Research

Research your competitors; what tactics are they employing that are working, how do your offerings measure up to theirs, how can you set your business apart?

Create a Sales Funnel

This is an invaluable technique that ensures you won’t lose sight of what you’re trying to achieve and can vastly improve customer conversion rates, thus helping your business grow.

Identify New Opportunities

Dig deep to better understand your target demographic. Remember that you’re in business to solve problems that consumers face; how have these changed and how can you adapt to meet their needs?

Generate a Reason for Customer Loyalty

Consider creating a customer loyalty program; these are great for retaining existing customers and attracting new ones, thus growing your business. Once your sales funnel is in place build an email list – but first ensure customers have a reason to subscribe!

Learn to Upsell

Diversify your offerings; what could you upsell, are there any complementary products or services you could offer? This will help you expand within your niche and grow your profits.

If you have already successfully established your company and have begun to make a profit, you’re perhaps starting to think about further development . But what’s your first move?

Nurture Existing Customers While Enticing New Ones

This could involve improving the products or services you currently offer to attract new fans. Conducting market research and testing the changes you make will give you valuable feedback and promote trust – both sure-fire ways to grow your business’ reputation and sales.

You could also diversify by developing new products or services that complement your current ones. In this instance, you’ll need to be wise to market opportunities and act quickly to capitalise on them. But don’t sell out your company values for the sake of grasping new opportunities; ensure your products or services still offer clear benefits to all your customers.

Expand Your Reach – or Your Team

Expanding to new locations may require additional funding, but it’s a savvy way to reach new audiences and spread the word about what makes your company, products or services so beneficial.

And don’t rule out the benefits of taking on new staff or training your current workforce. New team members often bring a fresh perspective and a wealth of talent, boosting the skill set of your company. Nurturing talent within your existing staff creates a fulfilling, productive environment with everyone on the same page when it comes to the company’s overall goals.

Many people have pipe dreams about starting their own business. Some people make plans, do their research, work hard and eventually achieve their dreams. Some people have amazing ideas but are lost when it comes to getting their business off the ground. If you can relate to either of these scenarios, then you’re probably wondering where and how you can find help and advice on starting your own business.

The Benefits of Hiring a Sales Expert or Business Mentor

As an experienced Business Mentor and Sales Expert based in the UK, I can help you do something constructive with those dreams and plans! It’s true that success doesn’t happen overnight, but with the right guidance from a professional business coach like me, you’ll be armed and ready to establish, optimise and scale your business faster.


Kieran Perry – Business Mentor UK