Getting to know you: Andrew Butt

We talk to Andrew Butt, the co-founder and managing director of both Enable Software and Enable Infomatrix. Andrew began his working life aged 12 fixing computers at a Coventry based helicopter company, and who then went to become the youngest ever qualified helicopter pilot aged 17 about what motivates and inspires him in business and the advice he would give to someone just starting out.

UK’s top business role models

A recent report, conducted by YouGov, for the business advice website asked UK business owners who they regard as British business role models and look to for inspiration. JK Rowling emerging as the nation’s favourite female business role model amongst women with Richard Branson holding his title as Briton’s favourite male business role model amongst men.

Sometimes you shouldn’t take a Dragon too seriously…

On April 1st, like many other people, Business Matters columnist, serial entrepreneur and TV dragon Duncan Bannatyne made an April Fools joke. Using his Twitter account he suggested that he was feeling too old to be the face of his gym & leisure business and that he was renaming the group of 60 gyms to “Armstrong Health Clubs” after the name of his managing director Nigel Armstrong. However some people took this joke a little too seriously….

The cream of the next generation – The Enterprising Young Brit Awards

The Enterprising Young Brit Awards for 2010 were announced today at a glittering lunch, attended by Lord Mandelson, at the Institute of Directors in London.

The winners alll received £1,000 for their business, coverage in national media and an invitation to join the Enterprise UK Ambassador programme. As an Enterprise UK Ambassador they will get a chance to network with some of the UK’s top entrepreneurs and help us inspire the next generation of Peter Jones and Michelle Mone!