Getting to know you: Carey Davis-Munro


What do you currently do?

I run an entrepreneurial food business called Sweet Virtues, we are focussed on creating delicious foods for health and wellbeing and have just launched the UK’s first hand-made superfood truffles. Sweet Virtues truffles come in three delicious varieties, Maqui, Chia Seeds & Lime and Baobab & Vanilla, and are nutrient-dense and power-packed with more than five super food ingredients in every truffle.

What is your inspiration in the business?
My passion for wonderful tasting food and eating, coupled with a lifelong interest in fitness and nutrition has driven me to start the business. Eating healthily is not about self-denial or indeed less enjoyment when it comes to food but exactly the opposite.

At the heart of my philosophy is also the ‘triangle of health’, a balance of mind and relaxation, food and nutrition and exercise and fitness. One without the other two will never achieve optimum health. I live by this ethos every day.
I have also run various consultancy businesses focusing on exercise, food and wellbeing as well as working with Ocado to create content for the Healthy Recipe section of their website. I also used to run various clinics and workshops focusing on healthy eating, which sparked the idea of guilt-free chocolate truffles and creating indulgent foods that may help to heal.

Who do you admire?
Debbie Moore for her healthy outlook on life and Anita Roddick who paved the way for women in business.

I also love Jamie Oliver for his sheer energy and passion and for the food crusades he has fought.

Looking back, are there things you would have done differently?
Yes – many things, but nothing I could possibly have known at the time. It’s all a learning curve and if you are reliant on others at any stage of the process, nothing can ever be 100% in your control!

What defines your way of doing business?
1. Hard work
2. Honesty, openness and integrity
3. Being ethical
4. Being passionate

What advice would you give to someone just starting out?

Go for it. Nothing ventured nothing gained.

There is always an element of luck involved in anything- sometimes good, sometimes bad. Ensure you are prepared for all eventualities and setbacks – two Steps forward, one step backwards(or even 2), build your resilience and be ready to work work work ! And most importantly, celebrate the small victories.