Working as part of a team vs working solo

Solo or team

When it comes down to working, it is very much down to the individual as to whether they work better within a team or by themselves.

Each method of working has both advantages and disadvantages, and in most cases, it depends on the specifics of a particular job as to which method is most necessary and effective. One of the UK’s leading providers of Driver CPC training, Driver Hire Training have outlined the pros and cons below.

Working in a team


  • When working in a team, it allows the opportunity to have brainstorming sessions. Dedicating time to explore different ideas usually increases your creativity and encourages you to think outside the box in order to come up with solutions that you may not have thought of had you been working individually.
  • Whether it be for a client or customer or for training purposes, working in a team calls for a range of skills to come together and be utilised. For example, if you are pitching for a new client, everyone’s skills should be utilised, so if one individual is good at public speaking then they would take the lead performing the pitch. If a training session is occurring, such as driver CPC training through Driver Hire Training, each team member can utilise the session to not only update their personal qualifications, but also to support sharing their knowledge across the team. This can be further used to add extra value to team learnings.
  • Teamwork usually requires a lot of communication so that important points are made clearly and the tasks that are needing to be done are completed. In turn this can be extremely beneficial in creating a better work relationship between colleagues.


  • When working in a team, often certain members become far too reliant on others and this results in other colleagues having to pick up the additional work. This certainly isn’t best practise within a work environment and could have the potential to negatively affect the team’s dynamic.
  • If there’s a lot of you in your team, meetings will usually be encouraged to make sure all processes are aligned. Although this is productive, if the meeting goes off track or carries on for longer than needs be, this may not be very time efficient.
  • As there are often several members within a team, idea generation can often result in a huge selection of options. Whilst in theory this is a positive aspect, additional time can often be spent making a final decision. 

Working solo


  • When working by yourself, you are likely to work faster as you will have no distractions that could slow down the procedure. Working faster will always benefit the business.
  • Having no one to confer with means that all decisions will be based on your own informed choices. This means you don’t have to justify anything to anyone else and you will be able to proceed from that the way you want to. 
  • Working solo lessens the pressure of trying to keep up with other team members. You will be able to work at your own pace and in turn have reduced stress levels, as you won’t have the burden of someone waiting on you for work.


  • Working by yourself can be tough when it comes to ensuring you do the work within the time allocated. You have to motivate yourself as there is no one else to do it for you. You have to make sure you stay focused and on task as much as you can.
  • When you are by yourself it can be easy for you to get mental blocks as your creativity may not be as spurred as if you were able to bounce ideas of someone else. This could result in you slowing down the task that you’re working on getting completed.
  • It is important to remember when working solo that you are responsible for the whole job. You aren’t able to depend on anyone else to continue the work if you have a day off and if anything goes wrong then it is all on you to rectify, this could create additional pressure for oneself.