Tips for beginners in climbing


Climbing on a boulder or artificial climbing wall in a gym wall is a pretty demanding sport. However, it can be an exciting hobby with a certain level of risk.

It takes a lot of training and exercise to become a professional climber, so most people stay at the recreational level.

There is a difference between sport climbing and bouldering or rock climbing. Sports climbing is done using the rope and a whole bunch of safety equipment, while the only thing needed for bouldering are your hands, legs and chalk. For both types of climbing, you have to be aware of the importance of bouldering shoes. You can find some interesting options on Bikester.

If you want to take climbing as a hobby, you must know that this sport requires being in good shape and knowledge of some special techniques. If you like this kind of physical activity and want to go up the real boulders one day, there are several tips for getting better at climbing detailed as below;

Physical Condition

Activities like climbing requires a good strength-to-weight ratio. The heavier you are, the more energy you’ll need to lift your body up. Therefore, the focus of the training should be on increasing your strength and building muscle while maintaining optimal body weight.

You need strong arms and legs. It is wrong to think that climbing should be done just by pulling up with arms. That’s why you need strong lower parts. You will use legs to push yourself against the wall or boulder.

Apart from strength, moving along the walls requires great climbing technique and balance. Exercises that will help you to improve body stability are essential. Even the slightest uncertainty in climbing and loss of balance can lead to a fall from the height and possible injuries.

Exercise to Perfection

Professional climbers work on their climbing techniques for years. You cannot become an expert in just a few months. Many amateurs make a mistake at the very beginning wanting to try the hardest route without passing the easier ones. You have to gain experience in climbing gradually, mastering each and every route. When you bring one climbing trace to perfection, then go to the next one.

In the beginning of climbing, injuries do occur often. The reason for this lays in the wrong climbing technique. Usually, your tendons will suffer even if you are the athletic type. If you have strong musculature, it does not mean that you are ready for more demanding climbing ventures. It takes several months of exercise to coordinate movements, improve muscle mobility and tendon elasticity.

Appropriate Climbing Footwear

Climbing does not require special clothes but specialized shoes are a must. Footwear is the only part of the equipment that can significantly affect your climbing style. There is a wide choice of shoe models adapted to every need and suited for different budgets. Always choose the best model that you can afford.

Climbing footwear should be comfortable and also give you a solid basis when standing on the wall or boulder. The flexibility of the material is essential. Quality shoes should support even the most demanding movements. Climbing footwear should be made of quality, breathable materials that will provide extra comfort.

Invest in Climbing Gear

Most climbers are afraid of falling but with good equipments, there is no reason for concern. Safety should be a priority, so helmets and strong ropes are mandatory. The rest of the equipment depends on what type of climbing you opt for. There is a whole range of security mechanisms that should provide you with maximum security. Don’t cut corners in their purchase as they can save your life.