How to start blogging on Instagram in 2019?


People from all over the world show interest in social networks. Before you start a blog on Instagram make sure to take a lot of photos.

Then they lay them out for public discussion. There are some important points to consider. These will be discussed in this article.

We tried to take into account all the stages of creating our own social platform, taking into account the pronounced trends in 2019, which could affect the development in the long term.

First Steps to Fame

The social network Instagram is all used for different purposes, so the future blogger needs to think about the following points.

Defining the purpose of creating a profile

For promotion, advertising, creating a special profile to get a huge number of likes, you will need to study the target audience using statistics. It will help identify the target audience with content. After determining the goal, go to the main actions.

Activation on the computer

For professional promotion of an account or your own blog, you need constant updating, so it is better to use a computer, not a smartphone.

In order for all functions available only on a mobile device to become available on a computer, you should use an Android OS simulator. This application will allow you to fully work on Instagram from a desktop. It will help you access all functions available for smartphones. It is convenient to insert long texts to photos through a computer, edit them, and choose the best ones.

Blog on Instagram

To become a successful blogger, you must first select the theme of the page. For example:

  • Thematic;
  • Personal;

When choosing a business direction, you should think about related topics and sub-topics. If this is a themed page, then you need to choose the right photos. Followers should be happy to enter the page and wait for new posts.

What is required from a blogger:

  • Regular post creation;
  • Laying out thematic images;
  • Providing attractive content.
  • Having determined the topic, choose the name of the page. It is necessary that the name matches the subject and is easily recognizable. This should be taken seriously, because the name shouldn’t be changed in a later stage.


This definition plays an important role in this social network. Hashtags help optimize search on the page and promote the best accounts in Instagram.

The hashtags should be combined with the theme. If the user opens a page on the topic of puppies on the Internet, he will write #puppies on the internet. Do not be afraid of using a long word or combining two in one hashtag. On Instagram, it is considered the norm.

How to recruit followers

To develop your account, the user will have to follow the following tips:

Buy iigers followers. From this there will be a special result: increasing your audience! Keep in mind that this only works when the followers are real, no bots!

You need to keep track of your target audience and find out which publication is the most promising;

Note!Instagram is a photo editor that has grown into a large network. To increase the popularity of your profile, you need to create high-quality and beautiful photos. We need to learn how to use photo editors to correct unsuccessful images.

Take photos and videos in your style. Use filters and effects to stand out among the crowd;

The audience loves to communicate and will not remain indifferent to the competitions.

How to fill out your profile

The first stage has its limitations.

Register with your valid phone number. If someone tries to login to your account, it will help to restore your password.

Then the application asks to confirm your email. After that you can create your page.

In the section “About Me”, you need to tell about your activities, hobbies and provide contact details.

The picture on the profile must match the brand (logos, trademarks). It is enough to make it recognizable, so that followers quickly find an account.

An example of daily topics

The user must constantly invent interesting stories so that followers do not get bored and to attract more users. You can tell anything. The main thing is that it does not contradict the rules of the social network. For example:

  • Tell about ideas, thoughts constantly hovering in your head.
  • Describe the favorite route of your morning walks.
  • Participating in a charity event
  • What news happened during the day, week, or month?
  • What event can inspire you?
  • What habit has helped you transform?
  • Tell about the mobile applications used in daily life.
  • Tell what phobias bother you.
  • Hold a quick cooking master class, image creation, make-up, etc.
  • Share your rules of life.
  • Stroll through your hometown, take pictures and show your favorite places to the public.
  • How to beat depression, blues?
  • Tell about your activities to the public.
  • Talk about favorite books, movies. You can do the ranking.
  • Favorite singer or group. Talk about the best songs.

These are approximate topics that can be discussed in your blog. Perhaps, after reading the list, you as a blogger will have your own ideas.

Following actions

As soon as the profile is filled, go to the creative process. You need to try to attract as many users as possible to view photos, leave comments and liking.

Goal: reach out to potential followers. To do this, you need to write new posts until the account is full. Then it is better not to touch him for a couple of weeks. At this time, no action is required. The public will look at the new blogger.

But you should not relax. You need to take new photos and create popular hashtags. You can prepare posts in advance so that you can post them later.

Last but not least: rules of Instagram

This social network has its own rules and laws. If you break them, you can get banned or lose the ability to use the right components. To assure nothing like this happens, it is better to refrain from excessive activity.

You can do mass mailings, comment on posts and like pictures. But keep in mind that only the number of actions is limited. Exceeding 150 of any action, can lead to temporary account blocking.

You cannot break the rules of publishing photos, advertise drugs or sell weapons. Users write complaints about inappropriate photos. If you follow all the rules, then there will be no bans.