Get the smart credit card reader that will change the way you transact

Customer Paying Through Credit Card In Restaurant

A smart credit card reader is something that might have some of the readers leave puzzled. What can become smart about such a device?

Well, as having a contactless payment option has been the status quo in many countries already, would we still consider this as ‘smart’? Let’s have a look at the credit card machine from SumUp, which offers a lot of cool features you would not expect from just a card reader alone.

Features of the credit card machine from SumUp

Not only does the card allow for a transaction at lightning speed, it also is contactless and seamless. But where the real smartness can be found is in the way it uses data. SumUp’s credit card machine comes with additional Business Intelligence services that can be leveraged to better understand customers.

Connecting to smartphones and tablets

The credit card machine from SumUp can be connected to any smartphone or tablet to create a full-fetched payment terminal. Products can be added to the terminal as well as customers. This allows for lots of data to flow into the payment terminal with relative ease. Once a payment needs to be conducted, the business owner can select or scan the products and the amount will be shown on the machine. No more need for expensive hardware.

Advanced analytics

Business owners carry their companies transactions with them whenever they want, as it is safely stored in the cloud. The data can be analysed using advanced analytics that allows for insights. For example, specific products that are sold under certain weather conditions or specific days in the week. By leveraging this data, owners can optimise their store and better understand their customers with minimum effort required. With payment you can thus strive for service excellence, something that was not yet possible through the use of transactions alone.

Security at heart

With a direct connection to the Internet, these devices are able to identify malicious transactions with ease. No more possibilities of fees for processing, cancellation and other ways for banks to increase their revenues. The innovative payment solutions offer you the security while minimising the transaction fees that go with.

Small transaction fees

By simplifying the hardware and using technology that is scalable and efficient, SumUp is able to charge very low transaction fees. This makes it an attractive option over other payment options and traditional credit card payment providers. This does not stop at the cost of transactions alone. The hardware that needs to be purchased also comes at a much lower cost, averaging 100 pounds per device.

Learn more about digital payments

Are you convinced that digital payments are something your business needs? SumUp is offering both credit card machines, as well as payment links and other innovative payment options. Visit there website to learn more and become an intelligent payment business: