Cybersecurity in healthcare: How it can help during this covid-19 crisis


The healthcare industry has, over the years, been the core target of cybercrime with hackers breaching the hospital’s networks.

Today the cases have risen tremendously due to the current Covid-19 crisis with reports showing an increase between February to May. These cases are expected to rise as the many hospital networks are highly exposed to all health providers concentrating on the epidemic rather than the network.

The current situation has a lot of loopholes giving hackers control over the medical reports and hospital networks. They gain access through patient medical devices since many medical facilities are using remote care. The devices are highly exposed to hacking as they don’t have any inbuilt security making it easy for a criminal to control the facilities networks.

Besides medical devices, many hospitals have built temporary networks and stations to curb the crisis. They are not keen on implementing strong networks or installing security measures for the facilities. These being the greatest loophole for many, an estimation of 99% of hospitals don’t have secure networks, especially during this covid-19 times.  They have little or no time to invest in creating the best infrastructure to protect their networks.

However, the hospital can work on gaining ways of fighting crimes by implementing services such as VPN installation. Amazingly, the tech market has unique and affordable services that don’t require many funds to help kill the cybercrimes. Hospitals and temporary medical facilities can invest in some of the best and cheapest VPN service.

The VPN will help hide their IP address and networks, which exposes them to all public eyes. Different types of VPN don’t require much investment but offer quality services. Checking on some VPN prices will shock the monthly charges and the kind of features they offer. Hospitals with the intent of making tight lines in their medical reports can check on some VPN reviews and make a sound decision on which service to provide. For security on networks and avoiding breaching medical reports, hospitals can check on some general services such as Avast VPN review with antivirus company backup and VPN services.

Network hackers have a vast knowledge of how many systems work, and today, they can easily access the medical reports. The email address area another way to gain access to the medical facility network. Phishing is a common way used in the past; today, criminals gain access to medical employees’ emails and remote medical devices.

Why take advantage of the covid-19 crisis?

Hackers are working hard to interrupt the hospital networks during the epidemic since they know how vulnerable the hospital and medical facilities are today. They can access the patient medical reports to expose and ask for ransom not to release the reports. These would stain these facilities’ reputation and ruin the patients. They are also targeting the hospital finances as they are sure more energy is focused on the epidemic.

What to do

Implementation of a strong VPN in the medical network should be the key feature. Hospitals don’t have to dig deep to buy expensive VPN service. The tech industry has exclusive VPN providers who can provide services at an affordable price. The services can extend beyond the Covid-19 times to securing all remote medical devices in the future. All medical practitioners should have their devices secured with the best VPN provided by the facility to retain communication between the hospital and employees.

How to improve VPN safety for remote medical devices?


is the invention of a VPN, a way to secure and protect people online. VPN helps connect the user’s device, whether mobile or computer, to a secure server. These help hide the IP address, thus giving access to all websites or networks without being traced. Hospitals can improve their VPN safety for the remote devices which are vulnerable to hacking in the following ways:

Limiting the VPN direct access to the authorized parties

Medical facilities should provide access to authorized parties only. These will help secure all the information leaving no room for hackers. The authorized administrators can have direct access, while others will have their communication and network traffic use the VPN servers.  Ensure all networks are using secure protocols to avoid leakage.

Have constant security vigilance with the serves

Health facilities should keep a close watch of any suspicious activities with the serves. A lot might occur, especially during the crisis, and go unnoticed. Having regular checks on the serves will help detect any attacks or possibilities.

Deal with any VPN weakness immediately

Though VPN services are the best way to protect your network, there are possibilities of loopholes, any sign of vulnerability should be dealt with immediately. Medical facilities should deploy IT experts to be part of the team to keep the VPN working all the time. Monitoring the VPN server will help reduce cases of cybercrimes in healthcare facilities and help facility workers deal with the right issue, which is Covid-19 rather than network problems. Setting the right VPN will play a significant role now and in the future.