6 things to do when you retire

retired pension planning

Retirement should be one of the most enjoyable periods of your life. You’ve worked for years so you could save up and finally start spending money on things that you truly enjoy.

However, many seniors struggle to figure out what to do with all the free time they have on their hands.

Truth be told, that is a fairly common issue. If you are retired and need some ideas on how to spend all the extra time that you now have, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we will list six best things to do when you become a retiree. Let’s begin!

Play Online Games

It’s never too late for you to learn new things, and while you might think that computer games are more appropriate for your grandchildren, you’d be surprised to learn that many elderly people play them as well.

If you’re not into violence that’s commonly present in shooter games, you should try something more relaxing. There are many puzzle games, strategies, and platformers on the web that will provide a great workout for your brain and allow you to have a good time.

You can play chess online with your friends or solve sudoku puzzles. You can also try some online gambling if you like the excitement and risk such games provide. Sports wagering was recently legalized in several US states, and NJ online sports betting is on the rise. Allow yourself some time in an online casino and you might even hit the jackpot!


If you never had time to travel, now is your chance. While traveling might be expensive, it’s is definitely worth it. Think about it, what was all that money saving for in the first place? Seeing the world and getting to learn about new cultures can be an eye-opening experience. Take your loved ones and go visit that place that you always wanted to see.

If you don’t know where you want to go and need some ideas, there are plenty of websites that can help you choose a destination. By visiting the TripAdvisor website, for example, you can read reviews about some of the best locations in the world, as well as nearby restaurants and other interesting places.

Find a Hobby

Having a hobby is almost obligatory when you retire; otherwise, you’re going to get bored out of your mind. Set your artistic side free and try painting or playing an instrument. You can’t know if you’re good at something unless you try it. If you’re more into outdoor activities, go fishing with your friends or play golf. Also, bring a camera wherever you go — who knows, maybe you were a talented photographer all along.


The thing that a lot of retirees worry about is their health. Let’s face it, you are not getting any younger and you need to keep your body in the best shape possible. However, physical activities become harder when you get older. You suddenly realize that you are not 25 anymore, and you simply can’t do some things that you once could.

Still, that doesn’t mean that you can’t engage in some physical activity. Take long walks or stretch in the morning — that is suitable for almost every age group out there. Also, consideryoga classesor go hiking. Whatever you do, don’t be afraid to try new things.

Keep Reading and Learning

The fact that you are retired doesn’t mean that you should stop learning — mental exercise is as important as physical training. Reading books is one of the best ways to keep your brain active. Therefore, go to Goodreads and try to find some titles that interest you.

Apart from reading fiction, you can also try finding some educational literature. There are many websites that offer free education to seniors. It’s never late to go back to school, so you should at least consider it. You can also watch educational videos online if reading is too demanding for you these days.

Remain Social

Having fewer responsibilities and spending most of your time at home is what defines retirement. Unfortunately, that means that loneliness can easily creep in and make you feel miserable. Do your best to avoid that from happening — stay in contact with your colleagues from work or go out from time to time and meet new people.

Also, if you are single, divorced, or widowed, you shouldn’t give up on your love life. Try SeniorMatch— who knows, you might end up with someone who will make you happy. Putting yourself out there is not easy when you’re older, but it can pay off tremendously.