According to a spokesperson from Techspring, 5G is set to revolutionise the world. 5G promises to provide users with higher connection speeds, and lower response times. It is also thought to be more reliable than 4G networks.
5G will help to improve your personal life, but it can also boost your business. Keep on reading to learn more about the benefits of 5G for your business.
5G in the UK and the rest of the world
On the 30th May 2019, 5G was available in the UK. Phone companies are quickly pouncing on the chance to offer their customers 5G, with phone networks creating the chance for their customers to connect.
The UK is one of the first countries in Europe to start rolling out 5G, but they aren’t alone, seen as how Switzerland already has 227 areas covered. 5G is also available in other countries in Europe including parts of Finland, Italy, Spain, and Poland.
Elsewhere, 5G networks are also running in parts of the US, Argentina, Australia, China, South Korea, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, and Qatar.
Benefits of 5G for businesses
With constant advances in technology, businesses are becoming smarter and more efficient. 5G is no exception when it comes to improving your company, check out these benefits that 5G might have on your business.
Read more on 5G from LiveTiles
Better business communications
One benefit that 5G can have for your business is that it allows better business communications. This benefit is great for your customers and also your employees.
Greater business communications amongst customers ensures that your company’s image and reputation is upheld and that they receive effective customer service.
Whilst improved business communications allows employees to work remotely. Employees can also enjoy better access to higher-resolution videos and images, which is great for conference calls.
Improved productivity
Another benefit that 5G can have for your business is improved productivity amongst your employees. Increased workplace productivity leads to greater revenue and a more successful business for you.
Employees are able to take advantage of the faster connectivity speeds which allows them to work faster and more efficiently. Gone are the days of slow internet speeds that means your employees day is interrupted.
Improved recruitment
5G could help you to improve your company’s recruitment process and bridge any skill gaps that you are experiencing.
Finding the most suitable and talented employees to recruit is essential to the success of your business. 5G will allow businesses to identify, interview, and recruit top talent from all over the world.
Save money
5G could help your business save money, because you can implement a number of sensors to help monitor and track occupancy, lighting, and temperature.
5G will allow you to set up CCTV footage of your office to be streamed to your phone. This will help in creating a more flexible, efficient, secure, and a cheaper workplace.
Get 5G for your business today
5G is one of the technological advancements that you will want to jump on board with as soon as possible. Businesses who use 5G will really start to thrive and open doors for new opportunities and success.