Businesses are leaving themselves open to collapse

THOUSANDS of business owners are risking the collapse of their companies due to inadequate business insurance.
Mitchell Charlesworth Chartered Accountants and Business Advisors has found that business owners, whilst protecting buildings, finance and equipment, often forget to insure the key ingredient to their success – their people.

UK franchise excellence rewarded at the 2008 Franchise Marketing Awards

The leaders of the UK’s major franchise companies gathered to reward excellence in marketing when the winners of the 2008 Franchise Marketing Awards were announced on Friday 4 April.
Over 400 figures from the UK’s highly successful £11 billion franchise industry enjoyed a glamorous gala dinner at the Royal Lancaster Hotel, London, to recognise the many companies whose investment in marketing and creativity have contributed significantly to the industry’s continuing growth and development. The winning entries highlighted the impressive quality and range of marketing in this vibrant industry sector.

PR Advice Free on Facebook

A Gloucestershire based Public Relations Agency is the first in the UK to use the power of Facebook to help small to medium sized businesses increase their media awareness thanks to holding regular, free, real-time, Question and Answer sessions on the social networking site starting on April 29th.

Businesses are ignoring the green debate

According to a major new study, two out of every three SMEs are ignoring the current environmental debate.  With many larger companies making fundamental changes in how they do business, 67% of SME owner-managers admitted that environmental concerns were failing to have any impact on their company.

SMEs employ more than half of the UK workforce, so these small companies constitute a major segment of the UK’s business community. There is a huge opportunity for these companies to make a significant impact on environmental sustainability, but it seems few are taking up the challenge.

Credit squeeze forces cuts to secured lending

Banks and building societies are reporting an expected cut in the amount of secured lending they will offer after the Bank of England admitted the credit squeeze is set to intensify.

The credit crunch is forcing some lenders to take fewer risks whilst at the same time, the cost of borrowing on the money markets remains high. As a result, SMEs could find it difficult to secure traditional loans or receive overdraft facilities from their bank.

Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008

Do you know of any business, which:

  1. Promotes a product similar to a product made by a particular manufacturer in such a manner as deliberately to mislead the consumer into believing that the product is made by that same manufacturer when it is not;
  2. Makes an invitation to consumers to purchase products at a specified price and then refuses to take orders for it or deliver it within a reasonable time?

Stress is all too common a reality in the workplace

Did you know that little or no awareness of your staff’s natural behavioural styles can lead to their poor physical health, stress and even depression?

In a recent report from Dame Carol Black, the National Director for Health and Work, it was revealed that ill health is costing the economy over 100m pounds a year. We all hear sad cases of people having a mental breakdown or worse, this costs not only the companies they work for, the government and the NHS, but the costs to the individual in the worst cases are often overlooked.

Are Your Employees Stars In Your Eyes?

If you are a manager or run your own business, it’s highly likely that you’ll constantly be on the look out for junior employees who can make the transition to senior level and continue to drive the business forward. However, knowing what the early signs to look for to identify these individuals can be tricky and fraught with uncertainty.

Profile: Jack Petchey

Jack Petchey OBE is a remarkable self made successful business man and entrepreneur, giving away his millions to help young people because he believes passionately that we all have a duty to give something back to society.
Jack, aged 82, was born in London’s East End into a loving but humble family.  He left school aged 14 without any qualifications and after a stint in the Royal Navy during the Second World War, Jack went back to his job as a clerk but soon found that he was not rated very highly by his bosses and was told he would never make a successful businessman.  Undeterred Jack went on to become one of the most successful entrepreneurs in Britain and a prominent businessman and property developer.

Profile: Eric Baker

His credentials are impeccable – Harvard, McKinsey, Bain Capital, Stanford Business School. A career as a consultant or CXO of a blue chip company beckoned. But following a dodgy encounter with a ticket tout intent on fleecing him for tickets to a Lion King concert, Eric Baker turned his back on the blue chips to enter the then murky world of secondary ticketing.

Spring Clean your Finances

With spring time now officially upon us and a new tax year started, there has never been a better time for small businesses to spend some time spring-cleaning their finances to help get their firms into ship shape condition for a successful 2008.

Entrepreneurs get Business Booster advice to help growth

Small business complacency is harming future growth potential and increasing the chance of business failure across London according to information released today by Business Link in London.
With 29 out of 33 London boroughs experiencing a growth in the number of new businesses, only 67% of them are making it to their third birthday, whilst 91% are making it to their first.