Sam Evans had worked at home for the last 14 years and loved it. 12 of those years were working for a large corporate and now having launched her own luxury lifestyle online business Humphreys of Henley she looks at just what makes your home a great working environment.
Environment and attitude
Being positive helps us to achieve our tasks, whatever their size and importance, (remember that the bumble bee can’t fly because it’s body is too heavy for its wings, but no-one has ever told the bumblebee that..) Our environment is important, but the right mental attitude comes from more than the colour of the paint.
Role of your Office
Frederick Herzberg spent a huge amount of time focusing on what motivates and demotivates us. Interestingly, demotivators are not the opposite of motivators. If we are feeling unhappy in our job and one day the printer doesn’t work, we will happily blame the printer.
There are some fabulous pieces to buy to make our office as welcoming as our sitting room or country kitchen. It doesn’t have to cost a fortune, a bit of forward planning can make the whole process very satisfying and cost effective.
Filing and storage is an important decision for me because filing is my least favourite pastime. I have all of the best intentions but there is always something more important to do!
Time management
“The key is in not spending time, but in investing it”. Stephen R. Covey
We have talked about lots of tools that are available to us: from diaries to day books; from filing cabinets to iPads, but implementation is the key to success. I was one told, and now firmly believe, that when implementing any kind of process or system, success is 10% dependent on the tools or technology and 90 per cent dependent on the person or people doing it.
I don’t believe that there is a time management panacea because people are so different and react to deadlines in very different ways. read more
What makes you get out of bed in the morning? What rocks your boat? Family and friends? Sports or cars? Flowers or books? Technology or history? If you are spending lots of time in your office then pamper yourself with your passions.
Colours are very important in our lives as they directly influence our well-being and mood. Each of us has our own range of popular colours and colours that do not resonate with us. Consequently, the colourful world around us can affect our health, our attitude and our productivity. Here is what I have learnt about the impact of different colours, how much do you agree with?