Passle is free to use. Users simply create an account, drag the Passle button to their browser and customise their fully-hosted blog to match their brand. The Passle blog can also be embedded in a company’s website.
So what next? Well, when users are browsing the web and see an article or post relevant to their business that they have a view on, they simply highlight the section of the article they’d like to comment on and click the Passle button. They then add their thoughts and press the publish button for a beautifully presented blog post. This can be made visible to the public and used to power social networks, including LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.
Key blogging facts:
1. Research shows that 15 posts per month result in 10 times the website traffic and five times the leads
2. While most marketers and businesses know that blogging is important, only 1 in 8 are actually doing it
3. 63 per cent of businesses that have updated blogs can also run a successful Twitter and/or Facebook account compared to just 13 per cent of businesses who do not have an updated blog (the blog feeds the social networks)
Crucially, Passle can be used by every person in a business, from sales to IT to HR, to the CEO. Employees simply drag the Passle button to their browsers and share any relevant content captured from the web along with their thoughts on it. Now, companies can harness the expertise and opinions of all their staff members and effortlessly funnel it into their blog.
An appointed person, such as the in-house marketer, can then manage, edit and spellcheck this content and decide what gets published, and how it gets published. A selection of short blog posts could be merged into one long-form post, for example, or even a white paper or infographic.
Essentially, the ideas for blog creation, arguably the hardest part of any business blog, now come from across the company as a whole, and in real time. They’re no longer the responsibility of just one (poor) person but are part of the entire company’s working day.