Convey more of your message with HD video conferencing


The perks of using video conferencing are numerous. You can now talk to and see people across town, across the country, or on the other side of the world in real time. Being able to read a person’s body language and facial expressions during a conversation adds another level of communication, enhancing the messages that come across. Video conferencing can make it easier to convince someone to purchase your product, sign a deal, or share emotions. Being able to see patients through face-to-face conferencing can even assist doctors in making a diagnosis and selecting treatment.
What is Nonverbal Communication?
Nonverbal communication is everything from hand gestures to eye contact. One of the first forms of nonverbal communication that people notice is one’s posture explains Standing and sitting up straight can convey confidence, professionalism, authority, and interest. Eye contact is also high on the list of impactful body language. Generally speaking, when holding a conversation, it is considered as a sign of courtesy and honesty to maintain eye contact with the person or people with whom you are speaking. Being able to make eye contact is one of the major advantages of video conferencing.

Hand signals and the tone of your voice are two other important forms of nonverbal communication. Hand gestures can help direct a conversation, especially, if during your web conference, you are utilizing visual aids and need to point out information. The tone and volume of your voice is also considered to be part of nonverbal communication. Speaking loudly can express confidence, authority, and even aggression and encouragement. Soft, low tones can convey confidentiality, seriousness, and compassion.

Nonverbal Communication on Communication
Marquette University explains that nonverbal communication makes up the majority of what we communicate. Approximately 70 percent of communication is body language and another 23 per cent of communication is vocal tone.

This means, that when you are trying to sell a product, arbitrate a disagreement, or promote the next step in growing a business, being able to emphasis your points, feelings, and information with body language can help make your arguments stronger and more effective. Marquette University suggests that in order to create a positive message, you should remember the acronym “S.O.L.E.R”, which stands for: “Smile”, “Openness”, “Lean Forward”, and “Relax”. If you start with a good foundation to your body language with good posture and an even, situation appropriate tone, you will be successful.
Adjusting Nonverbal Communication for Web Conferencing
When communicating via web conferencing, you should do a trial run with your equipment setup. Mr.MediaTraining suggests that you check your screen view to make sure you are framed within the camera’s viewing field, that you are not too close to the camera (being too close can be unnerving), and that the lighting in the room does not put you in shadow and obscure your facial expressions. You should also check the sound and the volume of your voice to make sure you do not come across as too loud.
Move Business Along explains that more often than not, what we say with our mouths does not correlate with our body language. The mixed signals this contradiction can send are disconcerting to listeners as they are forced to choose between believing your body language or your words. However, when you can control your body language so that it correlates with and emphasizes your words, this gives credibility to your statements.

A good businessman has mastery over his body language, tone, and speech. The Harvard Business School explains that face-to-face communication makes the game of bargaining much more productive and effective; the study sites that more agreements are reach through personal communication than through e-mail or a faceless phone call. For this reason, employing web conferencing, and knowing how to communicate effectively can help to make business dealings more advantageous.

Telehealth with HD Conferencing
When you go to a doctor’s office for an appointment they are able to look you over and make assessments of your health. Often, our body language says a lot about how we are feeling. For instance, if you are not feeling well, you are likely to have poor, slouched posture and instead of having your shoulders and arms open, they will be in a closed position.

If you are tired or distressed, your facial expressions and eye contact will give the doctor tell-tale signs. HD video conferencing allows doctors to “see” patients even if they are not able to make it to the office. Some conditions, ranging from strokes and seizures to mental disorders are best diagnosed if a physician can see how a person looks and sounds during an affliction. The Information and Innovation Foundation explains that web conferencing makes real time evaluation easy and convenient, enabling doctors to make observations and get information from nonverbal cues, information that might be lost once an episode of affliction has passed.
HD web conferencing capabilities through companies like Blue Jeans add a new tool to your business arsenal. That said, the clarity of the high definition technology makes it essential for users to be aware not only of what they say, but also how they appear. Facial expressions, body language, posture, and eye contact can all either contradict and distract from of emphasis and enhance the conveyance of your message.

Face-to-face contact with business partners and customers can help to create a mutual feeling of trust and encourage a good working relationship, which in turn gets more business done and increases sales.