Last official Facebook numbers show that today 16 million local businesses opened a Facebook page. This represents an increase of 100 per cent since last year. However, although small businesses are able to create profiles and pages on a wide variety of web services (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Foursquare…etc) it can sometimes be hard to see how these pages and social media strategies translate to sales and day-to-day activity.
Fliike, a physical counter for ‘Likes’ that can hang on a wall or be placed on a counter, helps small businesses track their Facebook Likes in real time.
Gauthier Nadaud said: “I came up with the idea 16 months ago. I wondered why there were a lot of ephemeral Facebook campaigns to gain fans that had little to do with the companies’ offices or physical sales points nationally and internationally. Wouldn’t the best time to convince someone to become a member of a digital community be when that person is actually in your store and happy to be there?”
Fliike measures 16.5 inches wide by 4.72 inches tall and resembles a flipboard alarm clock from the 80s. A limited number of devices can be preordered at £260 and will ship in November. The rectangular white and wood-panelled box designed by Smiirl, a French start-up, can be placed on a counter or on the wall, it connects to your Facebook page over Wi-Fi and transmits your Likes as they tally.