The Continuity 24×7 app enables directors and managers to download their contingency plans for crises including floods, fires, pandemics and cyber-attacks on the move and wherever they are in the world.
The new app was the brainchild of Stuart Barker, CEO of AIS, who says: “Key decision makers need to access vital business continuity plans quickly in an emergency but it isn’t practical to carry paper plans around at all times. As most executives take smartphones with them even on holiday we developed this simple app which means that their disaster recovery plans are accessible at the touch of a screen or button.”
Gary Hibberd, managing director of AIS, explains that the Continuity 24×7 app allows companies to develop their contingency plans using standard office software tools and then download them to mobile devices ready to be used in an emergency. The app includes features for training in business continuity, incident notification and roll calls to ensure that all staff are safe and accounted for in a crisis.
“There are many software tools on the market that help with contingency planning and these are either too complex or just too simple for business continuity needs. Our app ensures that crisis plans are available when they are needed and by the people who need them. It’s easy to use and needs no special training”
A version of the app for SMEs is available on iStore for £2.99 with a more complex version for corporates available on request from AIS.