1&1 Services – A Company in which you can have total confidence

domain name registration

You can rest assured that, whatever, your needs, this company will be able to look after you in an understanding and competent manner. You will be looked after by, not only able staff, but by staff who are friendly and will inspire confidence.

1&1 Domain Registration is a large company with its UK headquarters in Slough in Berkshire. They have twelve years of experience in their industry, over 5,400 employees in 10 different countries and can, most certainly, claim to be one of the leading companies in the industry.
If you do not have your own web site, 1&1 Domain Registration will help you on a step-by-step basis to establish a business or a personal web site.

First of all, you can find out whether the name you wish to use is available and, if so, at what price for the first year. High quality designs are available and can be altered instantly as yours needs evolve. You can change the text or the colour to make your web page stand out more, at any time, with just a few clicks. With more than 120 different business sectors to choose from and pre-set text and image options, if required, it could not be easier to set-up your business web site. You can also connect to social networking sites and, therefore, expand your contacts at any time.

Should you wish to establish a personal web site, this option is also available, with the same 30-day, no obligation, free trial which is offered in the business website section. You can create your own website as easily as setting up your profile on a social networking site. Perhaps there is a big family event being planned, a wedding, an important birthday coming up. Why not let your family and friends keep in touch with your plans? Perhaps you would like to share or promote a hobby. If so, again a personal website is the perfect place to do this.

As with the business website, you can choose the basic lay-out and have the option to change text or colours at any time with just a few clicks.

Visitors to your site will be given the opportunity to download documents, thus saving you the expense of large postage bills. You can have a counter to enable you to know how many visitors you have and a guest book so visitors may leave their feed-back. This would allow you to make changes to your website as you think necessary. Website safety is of paramount importance to 1&1 Services and you can choose which areas of your site you wish to leave visible to the public and which areas you require password protected and accessible only to certain visitors.

Yet another option offered by 1&1 Domain Registration is to transfer your existing website into their management. This can be done simply and smoothly in a matter of a few days.

1&1 Services provide an excellent all-round service in their field of website creation and management. Their own website is comprehensive, easy to follow and provides contact telephone numbers for their various departments which is very important. Anyone using 1&1 Domain Registration, whether themselves experienced in this field, or not, can remain confident of receiving friendly and helpful support.