Do MP’s really listen to SMEs? Red tape challenged questioned & insurance premiums calculations

Do MP’s really listen to SMEs? 

There is much criticism that politicians are out of touch with people who run small and medium sized business across the UK. So Business Matters asked Lord McFall of Alcluith, who was the Member of Parliament for Dumbarton and the West Dunbartonshire between 11 June 1987 and 12 April 2010 to explain how the UK Parliament is engaging with SMEs to learn from them and offer them as much help and support as they can to help then grow.

Prime Minister’s red tape pledge questioned The Telegraph are reporting that the Government’s pledge last week to remove some of the 21,000 rules on the statute book deemed unnecessary as Vince Cable, the Business Secretary, has admitted that they did not know what the total burden is so it is impossible to measure any form of success in the activity. 

Smartphone sales to drop after Japan disaster?, 

Smartphones have been one of the great success stories of recent years. Not only has the technology evolved at an impressive speed, but Management Today say that the recent disaster in Japan could result in a five per cent reduction in sales this year within this £100bn industry

Insurance premiums affected by job descriptions What is the difference between a publican and a landlord? Not much to most of us maybe, but the insurance industry charges the publican more for car insurance. The BBC, featuring the business managing editor Richard Alvin looks at whilst – perfectly legally- giving your job description differently when applying for car insurance can save you up a few hundred pounds on your premium.

Commercial Mortgage