TalkTalk given record fine over data breach

TalkTalk has been fined a record £400,000 fine for security failings which led to the theft of personal data of almost 157,000 customers, reports The Independent.

The cyber attack in October last year exposed the latest security failure for the company, which was forced to admit it had not encrypted some personal details of customers.

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) said the attack could have been prevented if TalkTalk had taken basic steps to protect customers’ information.

Almost 157,000 customers had their details stolen, including bank account numbers, birth dates and addresses.

Elizabeth Denham, the Information Commissioner, said: “TalkTalk’s failure to implement the most basic cyber security measures allowed hackers to penetrate TalkTalk’s systems with ease.“

“Yes, hacking is wrong, but that is not an excuse for companies to abdicate their security obligations.”

“TalkTalk should and could have done more to safeguard its customer information. It did not and we have taken action,” she added.