Donald Trump threatens Toyota with high tax tariff in tweet

donald trump

In a tweet – Trump’s preferred method of political communication – Trump demanded Toyota build a car factory in the U.S, reports City AM.

Donald Trump tweet





Toyota responded by saying that its employment in the U.S. would not be diminished by the plant in Guanajuato, Mexico.

In a statement, the company said: “Toyota has been part of the cultural fabric of the U.S. for nearly 60 years.

“With more than $21.9bn direct investment in the U.S., 10 manufacturing facilities, 1,500 dealerships and 136,000 employees, Toyota looks forward to collaborating with the Trump Administration to serve in the best interests of consumers and the automotive industry.”

The spat comes after Trump pressured General Motors and Ford to halt plans to manufacture cars in Mexico.

In a tweet, Trump wrote: “General Motors is sending Mexican made model of Chevy Cruze to U.S. car dealers – tax free across border. Make in U.S.A. or pay big border tax!”

Trump then claimed a victory when Ford responded by scrapping its plans for the £1.3bn car factory in Mexico.

Donald Trump tweet