10 Signs You Were Born to Be an Entrepreneur


Entrepreneurs come from all different walks of life but almost all of them share similar personality traits, says inc. From confidence to curiosity, there are certain attributes that are inherently entrepreneurial–these are ten signs that you were born to be an entrepreneur.

Risk-Taking Behaviours

Starting your own business is a risk in and of itself. That being said, the sort of risk that entrepreneurship entails is just one in a long line of testing the waters for many entrepreneurs. The time old saying “with no risk comes no reward” is one that entrepreneurs tend to take a little bit too literally, but that’s what makes them fearless leaders and successful business owners.


Drive and the ability to stick with a task goes a long way when it comes to building and running your own business. A lot of people don’t have what it takes to see a business through the tough times that can last for years, but at the end of the day, perseverance is what makes a great entrepreneur.


It takes a lot of confidence to be able to break out on your own into uncharted financial waters, and it takes a lot of confidence to be persistent with something that you love, even if it is difficult. But, entrepreneurs tend to be some of the most confident people around, and they have to be in order to see their vision through to the end.


Everybody knows how fickle the economy can be, and it takes an adaptable individual to navigate these changes with grace and persist to make their business a success. Furthermore, as somebody who will frequently encounter unchartered situations and difficult decisions, an entrepreneur is always willing and able to take challenges head on and try find the best possible outcome. You never know what to expect as a business owner, but entrepreneurs are always ready and able to adapt to the challenge.


Curiosity is a trait that most entrepreneurs have in spades, and it can really help them innovate and drive their own success. Most businesses are built upon their owner asking questions of the market and finding problems to solve, and they persist by looking into new strategies and solutions to keep them on the cutting edge.


There is quite a bit of work that goes into running your own business; in fact, there is something to do almost all of the time. An entrepreneur will have no problem with this, as they are always looking to have their hands on what might be the next big thing!

A Focus On The Big Picture

Being able to juggle tasks and wear a million different hats makes a successful entrepreneur, especially at the crucial beginning points in the life of a business. A good entrepreneur can strategise and utilise all parts of a situation with ease.

A Rebellious Streak

It takes a lot of guts to break out on your own, away from the security of working for someone else. This kind of rebellion definitely started early on in life, and you might notice a pattern in your past that follows breaking the mold.

A Desire to Build Things

This doesn’t necessarily mean physically building things, but entrepreneurs really love the process of putting things together to create a whole to show. New challenges excite the entrepreneur and being able to build a successful business or product from the ground up is a source of pride for most.


Entrepreneurs love to show off their competitive side through their successes, and won’t give up until they’re on top. Just like the world’s most successful athletes, entrepreneurs have an undying drive to be the best of the best, and are always finding ways to outdo their competitors.

Every entrepreneur is different, but the most successful ones all share these ten personality traits. If this list sounds like you, then you may be cut from the entrepreneurial stone and maybe someday, you’ll be the founder of the next major company!