Paying a Living Wage will save a ‘lost generation’, says KPMG


“Childless working households are the worst affected when it comes to low pay – and for them it’s getting worse, not better. For far too long low income households have been struggling to make ends meet and for young people who are trapped in low paid jobs, with little prospects, it’s an even bleaker situation. The fact remains that more than five million people are earning less than they need to live on. Too many families still struggle to afford the basics, meaning we face a scenario that, in 2015, should have long been consigned to the footnotes of history.

“This is the perfect opportunity for employers to consider whether they can join the growing list of businesses paying a Living Wage. It may not be possible or practical for everyone, but all organisations need to do what they can to address the problem of low pay. Of course, change cannot happen instantly, but making an initial assessment is an important first step.

“Business and government need to work together as we are in danger of creating a ‘lost generation’ of low paid youth workers in working poverty. It’s time to take responsibility to ensure that staff and suppliers receive a fair wage.”