Over half of Brits happy to work from home for as long as is needed

Working from home

Research carried out in April 2020 has revealed that 52% of Brits were happy to continue working from home for as long as is required.

However, over a third admitted that they were starting to feel the pressure and 6% admitted to already finding this new way of life a struggle.

Moneypenny, the outsourced communications provider, polled UK workers, who are all working from home.

In April, people were already finding it far more difficult to switch off from work, with three-quarters admitting they answer calls and emails after normal working hours.

Furthermore, 28% said they take shorter lunch breaks then they usually would when in the office. 15% stated that they don’t take any lunch breaks at all.

The research also highlighted that 72% of those people who work from home have experienced a day where they did not speak to any colleagues. Of those, almost a half say they don’t speak to anyone for longer than one day.

The survey findings come as the government has changed it’s advice on asking people to return to the office.

People in England should work from home “if they can” to reduce social mixing and slow the spread of the virus, Michael Gove has said.

Mr Gove told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “We are stressing that if it is safe to work in your workplace, if you are in a Covid-secure workplace, then you should be there if your job requires it.

“But, if you can work from home you should.”

Asked if that was a change in advice, Mr Gove said: “Yes.”

The new message brings England into line with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which have all advised people to work from home wherever possible throughout the pandemic.