According to the findings, 10 per cent plan to do their shopping between 12am and 3am on 25 November. A further 40 per cent are looking to shop from work, between 7am and 3pm on the day, to make sure they bag their dream purchases.
Consumers are also prepared to devote considerable time to their quest. The findings showed that 70 per cent of shoppers expect to spend between one and three hours online.
One in five say they will be doing all their Black Friday shopping online while one in ten say a 50-50 split between online and in-store shopping is more likely for them.
Price-savvy shoppers are looking to do the majority of their Christmas shopping at a time when they are able to get the best deals. The poll found that just over three in five see the sales event as a chance to do their annual Christmas shopping.
15 per cent of shoppers interviewed make a list of all the things they want to buy, with the intention of specifically seeking them out on Black Friday. And the desire for having the latest device continues, with nearly half of UK shoppers planning to buy electrical goods in the Black Friday sales.
For some, the annual event is proving to be a little bit overwhelming. Nearly one in four confess to starting off really excited about the annual sales event, but when faced with so much choice, freeze and end up not making a purchase.
Last year, UK consumers spent £1.1bn on Black Friday. This year, shoppers are expected to turn-out in their droves with only 14 per cent planning to resist the lure of a bargain.