Elder creates 1,500 new live-in care jobs to provide care home alternative

Elder care home

London, live-in care company Elder, which already works with over 3,000 live-in carers nationwide, is creating 1,500 new jobs for home carers to help deal with a huge increase in demand, as families search out an alternative to residential care.

As the COVID-19 pandemic has taken a tragic toll on the UK’s care homes, the company – which matches people with professional, full-time carers who move into the home – has seen thousands more families enquire about its service compared to the same period last year.

Excess deaths in care homes have increased concerns over safety, which is one of the key reasons for many seeking an alternative, with recent data from IPPR indicating that 31% of families are now likely to look for an alternative[1].

The pandemic is also expected to reduce occupancy rates within the sector – with the number of empty beds in English care homes almost doubling between 2019-20[2] – this is widely predicted to cause financial pressures which may result in job losses within residential care.

Elder is actively asking those experienced in the sector who have lost, or fear losing, their job to apply. Positions are available right across the UK. Those interested can apply to become a carer on the Elder website.

Pete Dowds, Elder’s CEO, is also encouraging those who’ve been inspired by the heroic effort of carers throughout the COVID-19 to apply, saying:

‘This announcement is the result of COVID-19 accelerating a trend we were already seeing; more and more people want to remain in their own homes – even when the time comes to get that extra helping hand.’

‘It’s an open offer. You may have been inspired by the heroic efforts of care workers throughout the pandemic. You may be working in the health and social care space but want more flexibility over your own schedule. You may have spent time looking after a loved one and discovered how rewarding it can be. Or, you may be facing uncertainty in your current employment.’

‘Whichever of these situations you’re in, we want to hear from you. You can be an integral part of a solution that’s keeping people safe – especially with winter, and the fear of a second wave, on the horizon.’