Demand for powdered food product causes sell out three times in first month


The makers of brand new nutritionally complete powdered food product have reported how difficult it is to manage stock levels after selling out three times within the first month of launching.

This is the first time that a powdered food product of its kind has been on offer in the UK and the team has been inundated with orders from British consumers keen to try a new kind of consumption.

The manufacturers of the new powdered food, Huel, have witnessed exceptional demand following the product’s launch in June. The company sold out of the product, which has the potential to completely replace traditional food by delivering 100% of government-recommended nutrition in powder form, a total of three times within the first month of launching.

The product immediately attracted notable attention from sport and fitness professionals, busy city workers, new parents, vegans, vegetarians and those concerned with levels of chemicals and additives in traditional food. As a result, the team at Huel are having difficulty keeping the shelves stocked while satisfying levels of demand.

Julian Hearn, Founder of, commented: “Starting any new venture is always nerve-wracking; but usually your concerns are based on whether you will get enough orders, not too many! We had a lot of interest before we officially launched, but we could never have anticipated that the response would be as overwhelming as it has been. It has really proved that the British public are tired of stressing over how to plan their diet, how to work out what’s healthy and what’s not, not to mention all the rigmarole of planning and shopping and cooking and cleaning. We’ve had a lot of customers comment on the time they save in their day.”

“We met with a lot of scepticism during the launch, which we expected, but hopefully the overwhelming demand will put some of the doubt to rest. We are looking forward to building a real community here in the UK, as Huel users share experiences and advice. For now, I just want to apologise and ask that they are patient with us. We have now stepped up the manufacturing side so we have a consistent supply and can satisfy all the orders; we have actually gone the extra mile to offer free next day delivery to UK customers now too!”