It’s been revealed that those working in catering & hospitality, retail and construction are more likely to experience unwanted sexual attention than any other industry.
The unwanted attention ranges from suggestive looks, to inappropriate comments and even inappropriate emails or messages.
The research is part of an ongoing study into full time employed Britons’ experiences in the workplace.
Initially all respondents were asked ‘Have you ever received any unwanted sexual attention in the workplace?’ to which almost four fifths of respondents confessed that ‘yes’ they have. When asked to state who the unwanted attention had been from, the majority confessed it was ‘customers and passers-by’, whilst others experienced it from ‘colleagues’ and ‘management.
Furthermore, when asked what kind of unwanted sexual attention they had received, ‘suggestive looks’, ‘inappropriate comments’ and ‘inappropriate emails/messages’ were cited as the most common ways that people overstepped the mark with them whilst at work.
When asked how they dealt with the situation, the majority chose to ‘ignore it and carry on’, whilst just one fifth chose to ‘file a complaint’. Just 5 per cent confessed that they ‘confronted’ the individual over the matter directly.
George Charles, spokesperson for, who commissioned the research commented: “Getting unwanted attention of any kind, sexual or not, can make people feel very uncomfortable. For many, they know how they’d react outside of the workplace, but in the workplace they’re worried about causing a scene or losing their job. We’d advise anyone to report the comments to their boss, or someone in a management position. We spend so much of our lives at work, we have a right to feel safe.”