12 essential tips to get social media traction

It is still amazing at the number of companies that use social media badly (or ignore it altogether). The rules of social media are simple, and if you ignore it you the risk the fate that befell those who ignored the telephone in the late 19th century and the Internet at the end of the 20th.

If you’re just getting started, you’re late–but you can still catch up. And that does not just apply to trendy, consumer-facing companies. A study published in February by the CEB’s Marketing Leadership Council reported that 57 percent of B2B buyers research your company on their own online before they pick up the phone or email you for a sales pitch or more information. This stark reality makes it more important that you embrace social media–now.

Here are some simple tips to help you master social media:

This is huge. Don’t be afraid: jump in. Yes, your first posts will be awkward, but you have to start somewhere.

It Takes Time
Many business owners who are new to social media get frustrated with it too quickly. Building an authentic and engaged audience takes time. Don’t allow yourself to get snowed under by frustration, and think of it as you would building any part of your business. Being patient is important to the success of this effort.

Don’t Try to Do Everything
Find the channel that feels the most natural and focus on it. You might love Twitter and use it all the time. The short bursts and speed of information could fit your style and that of your audience if. You can still be a casual visitor to other social media channels and share what you learn in those avenues back to Twitter, but if your audience is younger or more social then Facebook might well be better.

Be Helpful
Share content or information that you find helpful. If you are reading an article on a site or attending a conference and you find a piece of content compelling, others will too.

Don’t Focus on Feedback
Don’t be worried about getting responses. Once you start you will be amazed when you run into people who regularly read your updates and find them useful, but never respond.

Share Something Personal
Especially if you are tweeting from your own account. Whilst Twitter is not really about what you just cooked, you could tweet about the funny things your daughter says and does, or the people you see out on your dog walk. These updates let others know that there is a person behind my account.

Avoid Social Media Blindness
As a business owner, only tweet things you have read. Resist the temptation to set up a feed that tweets everything related to a topic or an interest. Not only can this be very annoying to your followers, it lessens your credibility. It’s embarrassing when someone asks you about your opinion on something you shared and you have no idea what they’re talking about.

Ask for Advice
A secret tip that really works is both asking for advice from others and intentionally looking to answer questions posed across social media. This is a great way to learn about a topic and start a dialogue with someone new.

Say Thank You
It’s true in life and it’s true on Twitter: If someone takes the time to retweet something you post–certainly if they take the time to make a specific comment–a simple thank you back goes a long way.

Pay Attention
It’s about lasting connections: If someone you follow posts something that interests you or moves you, be sure to reach out.

Encourage Sharing
Especially when you use Twitter, leave room for other people’s comments. You think 140 characters is tough? Well, the ideal tweet is 120 character or fewer. Simply using the words “share this” have proven to be a strong call to action. Also advertise your Social Media details offline too to promote and grow your ‘tribe’.

It’s About All of You
Nobody likes spam. When users decide whether to follow you, most evaluate the totality of your social media account. They will look at your last page or so of updates. They want to see that you are interesting, engaged, and that what you share is useful.